Vandalism is an offense punishable under the law. Nonetheless, some instances may make you giggle at the very sight.
We have in this post a short compilation of hilarious signs or properties that have been messed with, but remain hands-down funny irrespectively. While these vandalized objects are comical, we strongly advise against trying something similar, as the long arm of the law may catch up with you.
The Workplace Vandal

If your office space is a tense environment, this kind of vandalism could attract a pat on the back. Anything to help restore some emotional balance is quite welcome.
If you do a lot of paperwork, you’re probably familiar with those tiny papercuts that fly under the radar. However, when you run substances that are likely to sting over your hand, the cuts are easily detected.
Pac-Man Go!

We’ve all seen road signs fade away without local authorities paying attention to them. The creative vandal that added this Pac-Man to the crossing sign probably did it under the cover of darkness.
While it may be illegal, this creative tweak to the road sign is quite original. It also calls attention to the negligence of the institutions that ought to have oversight of road sign maintenance.
Unleashing Kung Fu Skills

This is obviously a metal frame for mounting roadside signage. But a mishap that we cannot explain put a dent in it.
As you can see in the image, a vandal has incorporated graffiti of the legendary Bruce Lee. Consequently, the entire setup looks like the martial artist dented the frame using his kung fu skills. It is both ingenious and very funny. We bet it would make someone having a bad day smile.
Hakuna Matata

If your business requires one-on-one interactions with others, you need a large dose of emotional intelligence.
This realtor found his sale sign had been vandalized. So, rather than throwing a fit, he stood next to the sign, had a picture taken, then hilariously edited himself before uploading the picture online. We bet the stunt won him a few more clients.